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Professional | Associations

  • PRWA
  • NRWA
  • CMA


  • American Public University

    "I'm very pleased with the progress so far in light of the time constraints we've asked you to work within and the needs we have. I'm so excited about this course coming

    "I love it! It flows so much better in this format. I will, however, love to have this new format for fall

Business is not just about the bottom-line. Business is about people, families, and the community. For businesses experiencing misfortune and downsizing is imminent, ECS offers multiple programs designed to assist those employees making a career transition.

As each company, people, and circumstance is unique, so are our programs. We evaluate the contingencies of your situation and then propose methods to lessen individual hardship through one-on-one consultations with certified career coaches and certified writers.

Our goal, during this most sensitive time, is to empower your employees by guiding, not by doing.

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460 W. State Road 434 Suite 104 Longwood, FL 32750
work Tel: 321-972-8919
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