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  • PRWA
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  • American Public University System

    "There is so much good content, it is difficult to decide what to include, and what should be
  • Adawe LifePlan Center

    "I appreciate your willingness to work with me. The PowerPoint is great! I like the puzzle piece

Danny Huffman, provided material that, as a Director of Career Services, was exactly what our students, faculty and employers were in search of for a very long time.

Danny worked with me to produce a tailored 'Personal Career Marketing Guide' and 'Portfolio Essentials' for our students at YTI Career Institute. This guide provides information that will assist our students, beginning day one of class and transition them from school to career. I wish I had that type of information when I was preparing for my career and future. Danny shared his expertise in professional résumé writing, interviewing techniques, self-directed job search techniques, networking and career coaching. Our final product for our students incorporated all the necessary professional development criteria in one very important book. I would highly recommend working with Danny to create the exact book/guide that is necessary to accomplish your professional development objectives for your students.

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