You are here:   HomeProductsCareer Intelligence Series # Interactive Workbooks and GuidebooksJob Interview Fundamentals # Tier Three - Single-Topic Guidebooks

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  • PRWA
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  • YTI University

    "Danny Huffman, provided material that, as a Director of Career Services, was exactly what our students, faculty and employers were in search of for a very long
  • American Public University System

    "There is so much good content, it is difficult to decide what to include, and what should be

It gives some people cold sweats...

"It’s a necessary evil!" others say...

In fact, the job interview is the foundation for a rewarding career. The skills required to present yourself as a valuable asset are the same skills used for job advancement, consensus building, people management, and sales, to name a few.

This guide is more than just tips and techniques for nailing the interview; it presents the core concepts required to make interviewing the career management asset it needs to be.

  • Learn to analyze yourself, the company, and the position
  • Be able to answer the question beneath the question
  • Know the right questions to ask the interviewer
  • Examine the different kinds of interviews
  • Discover how to handle the question of compensation.

Most importantly, you’ll learn how to present yourself appropriately and with confidence!

76 pages

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