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    "I love it! It flows so much better in this format. I will, however, love to have this new format for fall
  • Eastern Mennonite University

    "Wow - this document is fabulous! Thank you again for this great resource and for your time in providing me with excellent

Designed to empower instructors and career professionals from all levels, this resource and guide offers up-to-date techniques, timed in-class assignments and interactive activities as well as rubric suggestions. Supporting Your Personal Career Marketing Guide & Portfolio Essentials, consistency is at your fingertips.

This companion guide sets the standard and includes lecture notes, schedules, interactive exercises, forms, templates, and in-class/homework projects to inspire confidence for the novice instructor as well as the seasoned professor. Developed by college instructors, career practitioners, and professors, you now have cross-campus best practices at every step and every page.

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Read a Sample of our Instructor' Resource Guide


Read a Sample of the Instructor's Resource Guide Customized for Harrison College

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