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Eastern Association of Colleges and Employers

On Wednesday, June 15th, 2011, EACE introduced a speed learning/”best practices” round table for all attendees. A total of 23 concurrent sessions were held in the Valley Ballroom. With standing room only, this fast-paced event was organized in a “speed-dating” format of three 20-minute sessions. Attendees were asked to choose three consecutive programs to attend. The diversity of topics was impressive as participants learned about an effective practice, gain information about a successful program or a new opportunity, or learn a new skill.

Education Career Services coordinated "Navigating the Federal Job Market" during the round table sessions, with Danny Huffman, recognized author and publisher, facilitating the group. Standing room only defined the sessions as each of the three presentations were packed and proved to be quite educational.

With gainful employment legislation making it's way to the forefront, providing students with the most effective career management techniques and mediums has never been more important. If you missed the recent EACE conference, the take-away pdf and PowerPoint slides are available by clicking the links at the conclusion of this text.


EACE Handout June 2011

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